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Sustainability in Academia

This platform promotes the integration of sustainability-related topics, ways of thinking, and learning methods into teaching for students to be equipped so they can tackle 21st-century challenges.

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Quote of the Month

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”

– Albert Einstein

SDG Wedding Cake Model

Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Redesigning business through Doughnut Economics

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About us

Sustainability in academia is an initiative from the collaboration between WWF Switzerland, the University of St Gallen, and the Network for Business Sustainability. The initial phase of this project was kindly supported by SDSN Switzerland.

The platform aims to provide university lecturers with high-quality, curated materials related to sustainability. The materials available on the platform are carefully selected to ensure that they are accurate and engaging, making them ideal for use in the classroom. Also, a range of tools and resources that lecturers can use to incorporate sustainability into their teaching are provided, such as workshops or presentations.


We are regularly conducting Webinars around the most relevant topics in sustainability research. We invite you to join an interesting series of webinars by one of the platform collaborators. The webinars are running under the theme: Teaching Carbon Management in Business Schools – NBS Climate Teaching Series. Please register here to receive regular updates on upcoming webinars that are part of this series.

Our latest Webinar

January 2024

We are pleased to share the first webinar this year. NBS, a collaborator on this platform, held this webinar. The webinar is the first of the series: Teaching Carbon Management in Business Schools – NBS Climate Teaching Series. Please find the recordings here.

February 2024

We are pleased to share the second webinar for this year. This webinar carried the theme ‘Teaching a Sustainability Mindset’ featuring amazing academics far ahead in teaching climate-related topics in higher education. Please find the recordings here.

March 2024

The amazing webinars continue. Here we share the March webinar for this year. This webinar rallied behind the theme ‘Teaching Climate Policy’ providing a global conversation on best practices for teaching climate change in business schools. Please find the recordings here.

May 2024

In the fourth session of the monthly NBS Series on Teaching Climate in Business Schools, participants explored the Climate Literacy Training for Educators, Communities, Organizations, and Students (CLT-ECOS). Please find the recordings here.

June 2024

During the fifth session of the monthly NBS Series, leaders from various international organizations provide resources and services to support educators in teaching sustainability in business schools. Please find the recordings here.

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